Raising a Reader builds early literacy skills through family engagement nationwide. After being nurtured from a local program rooted in the Bay Area to growing into a national organization reaching over 150,000 children ages 0-8 and their families across the...
We are thrilled to announce Raising A Reader is joining forces with Lit Lab’s incredible community committed to serving children and their families, and are accepting the donation of LitLab’s kidappolis, designed for caregivers to support early learning in...
A special thanks to our Super Summer Learning Adventures (SSLA) Program partners! SSLA develops and reinforces early learning skills through easy-to-use tools and resources that support learning recovery and school readiness through meaningful family experiences. At...
Raising A Reader believes that all children, families and teachers should feel safe and supported on their school campuses to learn, to play, and to grow as humans. That sense of safety contributes to an overall feeling of connection and is critical to a student’s...
While book banning is not new in the United States, it is happening at alarming rates in school libraries across the country right now. The communities we serve through Raising A Reader (RAR)—from rural to suburban to urban—are not monolithic. One of our top...
Reading over summer vacation may not be a priority for children, but parents and teachers should make it one. Why? Summer reading is critical for students to defeat summer learning loss and retain knowledge and skills learned in the previous school year and help...
Welcoming a new board chair!We are so proud to welcome Carol Emig as Raising A Reader’s incoming board chair. Carol began her service on RAR’s board in 2017 and we are thrilled for begin her service as RAR’s board chair as the first female leading...
Raising A Reader, Too Small to Fail, and the National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) held a virtual event, “Writing a New Chapter: Advancing Diversity in Children’s Books.” If you joined us, we hope you enjoyed it and were inspired by...
Encouraging parents to be their child’s first teacher happens best with great books along for the journey. But what does that look like in the time of COVID with geographic, social, and political divides? For Raising A Reader, a 21-year-old organization...
Drum roll please…. The award goes to Dick Wilkolaski! Launched in 2019, Raising A Reader’s Legacy of Literacy award celebrates funding partners who have allowed us to blaze a new or expanded trail. To recognize the incredible support of and dedication to...