Our approach

Raising A Reader Helps Families Develop, Practice, and Maintain Home Literacy Routines.

We currently have three programs to share. Our Classic Red Book Bag Rotation Program is featured below. During the pandemic, we launched two new COVID-19 safe models. Learn more about our Family Shared Reading Program and Super Summer Learning Adventures here.

Boy and mom reading


Helping Families Build Book Sharing Routines

Parents receive training in research-based practices to develop the habit of sharing books.

Kids with RAR Red Bags


The Weekly Book Bag Rotation

Children bring home a Red Book Bag each week filled with award-winning books to practice the habit of sharing books.

Girl at the library


The Library Connection

Families are connected with libraries to maintain the habit of borrowing and sharing books.

Our Theory of Change

Raising A Reader’s Theory of Change is simple. We believe that IF

  1. Children drive the process and the Red Book Bag and books become a favorite toy;
  2. Program Implementers learn how to train parents in “read aloud” strategies and early brain development;
  3. The book bag delivery system is turnkey: a simple sustainable routine that is easily managed in a number of diverse settings;
  4. Parents learn and engage in “read aloud” strategies and develop a regular book sharing routine with their children;
  5. Families get to know and use their local library;

THEN, children will benefit from healthy brain development, family bonding, and increased literacy skills–all proven elements for lifetime success! Children will enter school with a love of books and will be motivated and ready to learn.

Reading is a thread that winds through all of academics and life. If we can help parents understand this, they will have children that are more eager and ready to read. A love of reading is linked to life success. The most engaging aspect of [Raising A Reader] is the Red Book Bag. It offers so many opportunities for learning and fun!!
Community College Coordinator

Tucson, AZ

I really like the Raising A Reader Program because it exposes my daughter to different types of books. It also commits me to reading to her on a regular basis. She seems more motivated and actually chooses to read them on her own.

Prescott, AZ