our model

Raising A Reader Helps Families Develop, Practice, and Maintain Home Literacy Routines.

We currently have three programs to share. Our Classic Red Book Bag Rotation Program is featured below. During the pandemic, we launched two new COVID-19 safe models. Learn more about our Family Shared Reading Program and Super Summer Learning Adventures  here.


Five Anchor Behaviors

Raising A Reader’s model can be implemented with integrity in diverse settings through five anchor behaviors developed through our evidence-based Theory of Change.


The child drives the process. When a child is excited about books in the bag she brings home each week, she will ask loved ones to share books with her  over and over again. Who can resist a child asking to share a book?

Trusted Local Agencies

Raising A Reader provides the tools and training to improve connections between organizations and homes.  Raising A Reader helps agencies work directly with parents to help build shared reading habits.


Parents are empowered with the knowledge and resources they need to help develop the foundation of academic success…literacy. Family-friendly research-based practices help caregivers overcome some of their own anxiety about sharing books. Armed with the right knowledge and skills, caregivers become just as excited to see the “Red Bag” come home each week and discover the treasures inside.

Book Bags

Raising A Reader’s weekly book bag delivery system is turnkey, making implementation easy. The National Office works with each agency to identify books that are right for each community. Books and materials arrive ready to use.


Before the program cycle ends, families are connected to their local and/or school libraries and receive a Raising A Reader Blue Library Bag to keep. The Blue Library Bags are a gentle reminder for families to continue borrowing books and maintain the book sharing routines they have developed.
Through Raising A Reader, I learned how to be with my kids.
Participating Parent

Phoenix, AZ

Building Agency Capacity: Raising A Reader’s Train-The-Trainer Approach

When an agency decides to run Raising A Reader, they are making a commitment to program fidelity.  Agencies identify a Coordinator who then trains Implementers within their organization.

Step 1: 

Affiliate Coordinators are Trained

Affiliate Coordinators attend a two-day training to ensure that they acquire thorough knowledge of the program needed to train Implementers in their agency.

Step 2: 

Coordinators Train Implementers

Coordinators train Implementers in much the same way they, themselves, were trained.

Step 3: 

Implementers Train Parents

Parents participate in at least two training sessions. A typical training session includes an opportunity for parents to learn book sharing strategies and practice them.
Raising A Reader is always looking for committed affiliates agencies. Contact us for more information.