United Way Kern County

United Way of  Kern County

Serving 275 children each year in California

Currently, the United Way of  Kern County serves 275 children in seven preschool locations throughout the county. The children and families in Kern County participate in the program during the school year and are exposed to approximately 100 books annually. Parents love the program. One parent said, “The program has helped [my son] to get more excited about learning to read. It gives us something to look forward to each night as we read together before bed time.”

If you are located in Kern County and want to support Raising A Reader in your community, volunteers, and  guest readers are appreciated in preschool classrooms. All you need is one hour and a little enthusiasm as you read stories to the children.

If you want to get involved, contact volunteer@raisingareader.org.

For more information on United Way of Kern County, visit www.uwkern.org.

Mathew gets really excited when he gets to take home his red book bag every week with different books. He doesn’t even wait to get them home. He insists on staying in the car to look through them all.
Kern County Parent