Virtual Book Drive

Gift a book, Change a life

Provide books to children across the country through the virtual book drive.
Your donation supports the Raising A Reader book collection and red book bags that go home with families every week.

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Raising A Reader (RAR) is a national nonprofit, which has helped 1.5 million families with children ages birth to 8 successfully develop, practice and maintain the home literacy routines essential for academic success.

RAR rotates bright red bags filled with award‐winning books into children’s homes on a weekly basis. On average, each family is exposed to more than 100 high quality multicultural books per ‘rotation cycle.’ RAR pairs this book rotation with parent trainings and information on how to effectively share books to promote children’s early literacy skills and love of learning. Families are also connected with their local public and school libraries so they can continue the practice of borrowing books to build a lifelong habit of reading.

Books should be both windows into new worlds and mirrors through which children can see themselves.
Dr. Rudine Simms-Bishop