Super Summer
Keep book sharing over the summer!
Raising A Reader offers Affiliates and Non-Affiliates summer literacy tools to help beat 2020 COVID/Summer slide. Summer literacy tools include English and Spanish literacy kits and weekly author Read Alouds for children ages 4-6. All tools are aligned with kindergarten and first grade readiness standards and designed to reinforce academic skills children have learned the previous school year.
Also, see our list of additional resources for families and educators!
Super Summer Book Bag
Designed for children ages 4-6 and aligned with Kindergarten and First Grade Readiness Standards
Raising A Reader’s Super Summer Book Bag is a robust learning kit designed to reinforce those academic skills that children have learned throughout the school year through investigation, play and meaningful experiences. Super Summer Book Bags include six weeks of daily activities, books and learning tools that support school readiness through concepts such as language and math development, social-emotional learning and STEAM activities.
To Order:
Call: 650-489-0550
Visit: Our Shop Page

Award winning author, How Far Do You Love Me

Recommended Tech Partners
Raising A Reader knows that it can be hard to navigate the digital world when it comes to high-quality resources for children. We have curated a list of FREE recommended resources to ensure that your family’s time in the digital world is sage, enjoyable and focused on learning.
Khan Academy Kids
Springboard Collaborative
Common Sense Media's Wide Open School