Most Heart Warming Photo Contest

Photo_Contest_2015_NewsletterBeginning today, the National Office will begin accepting submissions for Raising A Reader’s 2015 Annual “Most Heartwarming: photo contest!” There will be two winners that will receive great RAR prizes.

A panel of National Office Staff judges will evaluate the photos based on the following criteria:

  • Photo tells an appealing story
  • Subjects of the photo are clearly participating in Raising A Reader activities
  • Photo captures the spirit of Raising A Reader

We know you have some great photos! This your chance to have your photos showcased! You or your program may enter as many photos as you like! The contest is open: February 11- March 13th.  In addition to the winning photo being displayed on various Raising A Reader Social Media platforms, all photos collected as part of this contest will be featured in the Raising A Reader National Office may use any of the photos collected in this contest in future programming, marketing and other print and/ or digital materials.

**** Important Information ***
It is the responsibility of the affiliate to obtain photo release permission for these photos. The photos will only be identified by name of affiliate and type of implementation setting (no names will be attached to the subjects of the photos). Ideally, we would love to collect the photo release forms from you, but by sending in photos, you are confirming you have a form on file. Also, if possible, please include the implementation setting of the photo (Head Start classroom, family child care home, etc.)
Please send high-resolution photos as jpg’s (should be around 1 MB or higher) via email by March 13th to Raquel at .