May 16, 2018
Affiliate Spotlight
Alisal Union School District (AUSD), located in Salinas Valley, California, serves families in the heart of the California farming belt. With just 20% of their children reading proficiently at third grade, the school district realizes the importance that home-based shared reading routines can have on student reading skills. With this in mind, AUSD expanded their RAR program to serve kindergarten students in 13 schools, making book sharing accessible to the families they serve. Most of these families are native Spanish speakers so the bilingual RAR books are key to making that home-school connection.
Many school districts, like Alisal, grow their Raising A Reader programs using public dollars that are allocated in ESSA provisions such as Title I, Title II, and Title III. In fact, Title I requires at least 1% of a school’s budget to be allocated for family engagement supports and programming-a perfect way to bring RAR to the families that you serve. For more information on how you can use public dollars to support your program, please contact Heather Deno at
How to Spend Down Year-End Dollars
Maximizing RAR materials and leveraging your budget
For many Affiliates, the program year is coming to an end. Blue Bag events are happening, class graduation parties are being planned, and impact reports are in the back of everyone’s mind! With the end of the program year also comes the end of the fiscal year, which means dollars not yet spent are at risk of being spent by another department, or worse, forever lost and returned back to a state or federal agency. Now is the perfect time to not only inventory your RAR materials, but to think about expansion for the Fall or next Spring using dollars leftover in your current year budget.
How much funding do you have available?
What about your regular school budget?
How can you maximize your materials?
Can you create community partnerships?
Finally, use the last of your remaining dollars to purchase materials for the upcoming year – Blue Bags never go stale and having extra books handy when one goes missing is so much easier than coming up short when dollars are tight. If you need help strategizing on what materials to purchase, call Heather Deno at (765) 430-1555 or email for quotes or more ideas on maximizing your dollars and leveraging your RAR program. Happy End of Program Year!
Café Press and Lands’ End Storefronts Coming Soon
Want to order items featuring the Raising A Reader logo for yourself, your staff, or as gifts and prizes?
Raising A Reader is collaborating with Café Press and Lands’ End to offer products for direct sale featuring the Raising A Reader logo. Affiliates, staff, volunteers, and even parents can visit our online storefronts to order a variety of items that can be shipped directly to them or as directed. This is a great way to promote your Raising A Reader program. Our target launch date will be at the end of the month – watch for announcements and links to these storefronts soon!
Online Coordinator Training
Click/Ladybug Magazines
Award-winning Cricket Media magazines are available to supplement out-of-school time activities. They also serve as a great addition to Blue Bags ensuring children have high-quality reading material during the summer months.
RAR Blog

Raising a Reader builds early literacy skills through family engagement nationwide.
Raising a Reader builds early literacy skills through family engagement nationwide. After being nurtured from a local program rooted in the Bay Area to growing into a national organization reaching over 150,000 children ages 0-8 and their families across the...